Terreno en venta Guápiles. Ubicación comercial
Atención inversionistas: Este terreno se ubica en el que será el acceso principal a Guápiles, por la rotonda que se construye en la ampliación a 4 carriles de la Ruta 32.
1) Ubicado a 200 metros del Servicentro Santa Clara.
2) Propiedad mide 14091 m² / Frente de calle 74.27 m².
3) Localizado en la que será la entrada principal a Guápiles.
4) Terreno completamente plano.
5) Ideal para desarrollo comercial.
6) Posee agua y luz.
7) Uso de suelo comercial e industrial.
8) Impuestos al día.
9) Plano y escritura.
10) Precio del metro cuadrado $110.
Será un verdadero gusto atenderle.
Land for sale Guápiles. Strategic commercial location.
Attention investors: This land is located in which it will be the only main access to Guápiles, by the roundabout that is built in the extension to 4 lanes of Route 32.
1) Located 200 metres from the servicentro Santa Clara.
2) Property measures 14091 m2 / Front street 74.27 m2.
(3) Located in which it will be the main entrance to Guápiles.
(4) Fully flat ground.
5) Ideal for commercial development.
6) It has water and light.
7) Use of commercial and industrial soil.
8) Taxes a day.
9) Plane and writing.
10) Price of square meter $110.
It will be a real pleasure to attend to you.